Microblogging for Open Kitchen Members

This page will provide a quick, easy way for members to get involved in contributing to this site. Members will just need a username and password and they will be able post straight onto the page without having to navigate the dashboard. Some of our members use social media, but others don’t. For those that do, this space will be an additional tool for sharing their thoughts, pictures and links to things that interest them where they are guaranteed to find people who they know and who share common ground. Many of our members don’t use social media and some find it difficult to understand, hard to access or off-putting for other reasons. For those members, this will be a safe space where they can learn some online skills, see what others in the group are doing and venture into the online world in a controlled and safe way. Group members will be supported to set up a username and password, setting up an email account first if necessary. This will enable people to learn skills while providing an immediate outlet and practice space to put those skills into action.